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As an ICON Accredited conservator, Sarah is an Approved Assessor for the AIM Collections Care Conservation Grant Scheme funded by the Pilgrim Trust. Over the years she has looked after a range of historic painting collections including those at the Royal Artillery Mess, formerly at Woolwich Barracks, Marks & Spencer's Boardroom portraits, the Rochester Bridge Trust collection, Croydon Borough Council Mayoral Portraits and the paintings on board HQS Wellington on the River Thames belonging to the Honourable Company of Master Mariners.


From a detailed condition survey to on-site remedial and preventive conservation projects, we advise on the condition, treatment, storage and budgeting for collections care of easel paintings and frames. We are experienced at working on site in public view, sometimes with the help of conservation students, interns or heritage volunteers. We prepare condition reports, surveys and budgets for grant applications, exhibitions and insurance purposes.

Sarah Cove ACR has given both formal and informal Collections Care training to curators, junior conservators, collections care managers, heritage volunteers and members of The Arts Society in the UK and Australia.





Collections Care: Bio
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